The Importance of Genetic Diversity and Reproductive Medicine
Genetic diversity is defined as the variation of genomic combinations present in humans or any living organism. In other words, the more mixing occurs through procreation with those who do not share our genetic code (e.g., Caucasians with African descendants, Latinos with Asians, etc.), the greater the diversity.1
On the other hand, genetic variability refers to the differences that exist in the genotype of a population, which is what makes individuals of the same species not identical, providing them with specialized characteristics (e.g., Latinos with blue eyes, Asians with curly hair, etc.).
Most variations come from genes, and these originate from mutations, recombinations, and alterations in the karyotype (the number, shape, size, and internal arrangement of chromosomes). The processes that drive or eliminate genetic variability are natural selection and genetic drift.1-3
Now, imagine that a person shares only two out of three copies of a DNA segment with another individual. It is important to note that not all variations must be pathological. In fact, most of them are not; only some might represent a risk of developing a genetic disease.4-5
Within the theory of natural selection, it is crucial to mention that species with the highest probabilities of adapting to environmental changes are those with greater genetic diversity.

Is There Genetic Variation in Mexico?
A recent study published by the journal Science demonstrated that the Mexican population exhibits a broad genetic diversity. The analysis was conducted on a sample of more than 1,000 people from 20 indigenous groups and 11 mestizos with European and Native American ancestry residing in Mexican territory and the southwestern United States.2-4
Another study by the universities of California, San Francisco, and Stanford points out that these differences are so extreme that some Mexicans are genetically more closely related to Europeans or Asians.4
How Can Genetic Diversity Support a Reproductive Medicine Process?
Genes hold practically all of our information, so the aim is to use this to our advantage to overcome deficiencies present in our DNA. In the field of reproductive medicine, this is no exception.
Through genomic science and embryo analysis, we have been able to better understand differences in DNA and modify them to find answers to certain diseases.
For reproductive medicine, detecting anomalies allows us to determine whether the patient has developed diseases in their genetic information that could hinder conception.
One example is azoospermia, the most severe case of male infertility. Today, it is known that at least 2,000 genes are involved in the process of sperm formation, and it has been discovered that genetic anomalies contribute to 15% to 20% of the most severe forms of male infertility.5-6
In women, fewer genetic causes of infertility have been identified compared to men. Even so, diseases such as hereditary thrombophilias could cause difficulties in conceiving.5
Reproductive medicine has emerged to give hope to many couples who, despite facing infertility problems, wish to have a family. However, it is not a widely known topic.6-7
Among the assisted reproduction techniques that have provided solutions to these problems are in vitro fertilization, which is the most widely used reproductive technique today; egg donation, sperm banking, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.6
Currently, efforts are being made to encourage more healthcare professionals to take an interest in the field of genomics and participate in studies that help more people achieve their dream of having a family.
In any case, it is best to consult a specialist who will support the couple in all areas, ensuring a full-term pregnancy with a healthy baby.7
It is not easy, but with the technology and multidisciplinary team at UR-Crea, it is not impossible. Remember that for us, we are motivated by planting dreams and harvesting families.
What is UR-Crea, and How Can We Help You If You Have Infertility Problems?
At UR-Crea Reproductive Medicine, we have more than 30 years of experience in reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction services. We offer different types of treatments tailored to your needs, which is why we conduct a diagnostic protocol that is key to helping you.
Our network is made up of a team of specialists in gynecology-obstetrics, reproductive biology, embryologists, perinatologists, anesthesiologists, and nursing staff, all of whom are trained to care for their patients.
We nurture the dreams of those who long to become mothers and fathers. Therefore, we provide a trusting environment based on the ethics and professionalism of our team, who offer personal and humane treatment. Get in touch with us and get to know us!
1. Biodiversidad Mexicana. Genetic Diversity. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
2. National Human Genome Research Institute. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
3. Rimieri P. Genetic Diversity and Genetic Variability: Two Different Concepts Associated with Germplasm and Plant Genetic Improvement. 2017; 28(2): 7-13. Available at:
4. BBC en español. The Extraordinary Genetic Diversity of Mexicans [Internet] Consulted in August 2024.
5. Genotipia. The Role of Genetics and Assisted Reproduction in Fertility [Internet] Consulted in August 2024.
6. UR-Crea Blog. Symptoms of Infertility in Men [Internet] Consulted in August 2024.
7. Revista Comillas. Reproductive Genetics. Reproductive Genetics Unit, Genomic Systems. 2017; 73 (276): 527-540.