Success Rates

Success Rates

In vitro fertilization (IVF)
3 cycles

In vitro fertilization (IVF)<br />3 cycles 74% cumulative success rate + Learn more

IVF with PGD

IVF with PGD 72% Using embryos biopsied on day 5 (laser) + Learn more

In vitro fertilization (IVF)
3 cycles

  • The success rate of 74% is calculated after 3 attempts of IVF/ICSI, including fresh transfers as well as transfers of surplus cryopreserved embryos.

  • Pregnancy chances depend on the number of attempts, treatment customization, and advancements in the embryology laboratory.

  • Influencing factors: age, number and quality of obtained eggs, and sperm sample.

  • In the first attempt, the success rate can reach 65%.

Egg donation

  • Egg donation yields very good results in treatments. In 2 cycles, its success rate can reach 75%. It also helps reduce the miscarriage rate and malformations.

  • The age of the patient does not influence, but the quality of her uterus does.

IVF with PGD

  • IVF + PGT-A is used to detect anomalies in the number of chromosomes of embryos or aneuploidies. We can select the embryo with the highest chances of implantation to increase the pregnancy success rate. This technique helps reduce the miscarriage and malformation rate.


  • Our cumulative rate after 3 attempts is 50%. This percentage can still be influenced by the patient’s age and other health conditions.

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