Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation

UR ACTIVA offers a novel alternative to improve both ovarian fertility and endometrial recovery through PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment. Learn more about the options we can offer by personalizing your case.

Ovarian Reactivation through PRP Infusion

This is an innovative alternative to enhance ovarian fertility through infusion with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) obtained from the patient’s own blood.

Through a simple treatment involving blood extraction, laboratory treatment, and intraovarian injection under sedation (like oocyte retrieval), we can activate “dormant” residual follicles in the ovaries of patients with low ovarian reserve. This process restores their ovulation capacity and improves their chances of conception, either naturally or through assisted reproductive techniques.

The procedure is straightforward, performed in a single day without the need for hospitalization, and carries minimal risks for the patient.

The development of this technique represents a true revolution considering that until now, egg donation was the only alternative for these patients.

It is an experimental procedure that could improve pregnancy chances in many of our patients.

Our medical team will assess your case and inform you about the specific possibilities based on the diagnosis.


Patient Profile

  • Perimenopause.
  • Low ovarian reserve.
  • Low levels of anti-Mullerian hormones.
  • Premature ovarian insufficiency.
  • Previous failure in assisted reproduction technique due to insufficient response to ovarian hyperstimulation.

Program Phases

  • Personalized study
  • First visit with the specialist
  • Gynecological examination and ultrasound
  • Analysis of ovarian reserve
  • Second in-person appointment with the specialist to assess results.

Ovarian Rejuvenation Program Protocol

It involves injecting the patient’s own plasma enriched with platelets and growth factors (PRP) into the ovary, which, in many cases, improves ovarian function, increasing the chances of achieving pregnancy either spontaneously or through ART.

The process is simple

  • Preparation of PRP
  • IN THE SAME MOMENT intraovarian injection under sedation and ultrasound-guided of this enriched plasma in the same way as we perform puncture in an IVF cycle.
  • We wait 2-3 months to apply ART and assisted reproductive technique recommended by the specialist.

Endometrial Recovery through PRP Treatment: its utility in refractory endometrium and implantation failure

For successful embryo implantation, we need not only embryos of optimal quality but also adequate endometrial preparation.

Some patients have difficulty achieving proper endometrial growth.

Until now, we have had different strategies to help achieve adequate endometrial growth, such as aspirin, pentoxifylline, sildenafil, high-dose estrogen…etc. However, there are still cases where the endometrium is refractory to all these treatments.

It is precisely for these cases, both refractory endometrium and implantation failure, where PRP treatment (Platelet-Rich Plasma) has proven its usefulness.

With this simple therapy using the patient’s own blood, we achieve better endometrial growth and improve embryo implantation rates.

The platelet-rich plasma is applied directly to the endometrium. Inoculations are performed during the endometrial preparation period for embryo transfer. It is administered through an embryo transfer catheter through the cervix in the office and does not require prior preparation, anesthesia, or post-rest.

This plasma fraction is rich in various substances that contribute to angiogenesis, tissue regeneration, and improve the receptivity conditions of the endometrium. Since it is the patient’s own plasma, there are no contraindications for the process.

Patient Profile

  • Unexplained implantation failure
  • Scant or inadequate endometrial development
  • Asherman’s Syndrome
  • History of uterine interventions on the endometrium: curettage, hysteroscopies…
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