ROPA Method

ROPA Method

ROPA Method

Thanks to advances in assisted reproduction, more and more couples consisting of two women are achieving their dream of having their own family.

One of the standout treatments is the ROPA Method (Reception of Oocytes from Partner), which allows for sharing the maternity process between both women. In this method, one partner provides the eggs while the other undergoes gestation.

¿Cómo se lleva a cabo el tratamiento?

The ROPA Method involves several phases, where both women undergo stimulation and medication based on their role in the process.

  • 1.Ovarian Stimulation: The woman providing the eggs undergoes medication to mature a greater number of eggs, thus increasing the chances of treatment success.
  • 2.Endometrial Preparation: The gestational woman receives medication to prepare her endometrium for embryo transfer, optimizing the chances of implantation and pregnancy development.
  • 3.Fertilization: Fertilization is performed using a sample of sperm from an anonymous donor. A matching system is employed to ensure phenotypic and blood compatibility.
  • 4.Embryo Monitoring: Embryologists monitor embryonic development in controlled conditions, selecting embryos with the best chances of success.
  • 5.Embryo Transfer: The most developed embryos are transferred to the patient’s uterus. Approximately 15 days later, a pregnancy test is conducted to verify the success of gestation.

What is the success rate of the ROPA Method?

The ROPA Method shows high pregnancy rates. Factors such as age and egg quality can influence treatment success, as well as the condition of the gestational woman’s uterus.

It is important to consider any uterine pathology that may affect pregnancy chances.

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