Reproductive medicine

Advantages of Reproductive Medicine

This is a topic that excites us a lot, not only because we are passionate about helping those who dream of starting their own family through reproductive medicine but also because we believe in offering hope to those who come to us. ¹

Reproductive rights are something we are born with; however, the lack of legislation, safe healthcare services, and the varying access levels that people experience can infringe upon this right that everyone should enjoy.

In this blog, we’d like to define at least a small portion of this broad field: what it focuses on, what it encompasses, who it can be useful for, and some of the most common myths. ¹

Reproductive medicine

What is Reproductive Medicine?

It is a medical specialty that studies the available tools and techniques that allow conception (the union of an egg and a sperm) to create a new life.

Reproductive surgery is a fundamental pillar of this branch of medicine because it allows the correction of certain imperfections in the reproductive system that, while not severe or compromising to an organ, prevent natural fertilization.

Some examples of these procedures are:

  • Myomectomy
  • Tubal recanalization
  • Endometriosis correction
  • Hysterectomy

Some of the benefits of reproductive surgery include:

  • Correcting abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs
  • Detecting “fibroids,” which are benign tumors that prevent embryo implantation
  • Improving the access of sperm to the egg through the fallopian tubes
  • Removing tissue that grows outside the uterus

At UR-Crea, the available treatments include:

  • Artificial insemination: A low-complexity method, very similar to natural fertilization, where the woman undergoes ovarian stimulation, and at the time of ovulation, fertilization is performed using a chosen sperm, placed directly in the woman’s uterus. ¹ ²
  • In vitro fertilization: This involves a slightly more prolonged ovarian stimulation, with the aim of fusing the chosen egg and sperm in a controlled environment before transferring the embryo into the woman’s uterus. ²
  • Egg donation: A young, fertile woman donates some of her eggs so that another woman can use them to conceive a baby. This altruistic act makes our mission easier to achieve.
  • ROPA method: Exclusive to couples made up of two women, where one provides the egg while the other is the gestational carrier. Both provide genetic material to the baby, though both gametes can also be donated, except for the sperm. ² ³
  • Fertility preservation: A young woman can choose to freeze her eggs so that when she decides, they can be used while maintaining the quality of the moment of freezing, regardless of how much time has passed. This allows her to have a baby with her own cells without worrying about her age.
  • Ovarian rejuvenation: A small amount of blood is taken to inject the patient’s plasma into her ovaries to restore some of the characteristics that make pregnancy easier. ²
  • Reproductive surgery: Problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can be corrected through simple surgery, allowing easier access for sperm and ovulation.
  • Male infertility: We also work with the male side when female infertility is ruled out, and conception hasn’t occurred after a year of trying.

Some of the techniques that accompany these treatments include: ³

  • Oocyte vitrification
  • Sperm microinjection
  • Embryo freezing by vitrification
  • Sperm retrieval techniques
  • Assisted hatching
  • Sperm selection
  • Genetic studies

What are the advantages of reproductive medicine?

At UR-Crea, we highlight the most important advantages based on the cases we’ve handled and why we believe it’s worth the effort to fulfill more dreams.

  • It allows those who can’t conceive for any reason to have a family. Each person and each case is unique, and what works for one may need to be modified for another.
  • We need to understand what is preventing a couple from having a child naturally and determine which treatment is viable for their specific case. Perhaps they’ve only recently decided to have children or have had children but are struggling to conceive again. Our goal is for every couple who walks through our door to leave as a family.
  • You can prevent your baby from being born with a genetic or hereditary disease. By conducting tests to determine which diseases could be transmitted to your baby, you’ll be alert and able to take action to prevent your future child from acquiring certain conditions or having more severe cases.
  • On the other hand, by selecting a sperm or egg donor, you are essentially choosing certain characteristics that your baby might inherit. ¹
  • Infertility treatment is becoming more accessible for couples. It remains challenging for some, but science is working to offer more affordable alternatives with the same or higher quality, aiming to give more couples the opportunity to build their families without suffering financially.
  • A higher success rate is ensured. By having a personalized treatment based on your medical history and needs, we ensure that the treatment works, and there may even be more than one alternative for you. ³
  • We provide the opportunity for single women and men, same-sex couples, and other diverse families to have their own baby. Everyone has the right to have a family and reproduce with their chosen partner or simply exercise motherhood or fatherhood on their own.
  • We consider ourselves a truly inclusive clinic because we seek to honor that right and make the dream of having the baby that couples desire a reality. ¹

We hope this information is useful and helps you make the best decision when deciding to start your own family. We are here for you!

What is UR Crea, and how can we help you if you have infertility issues?

At UR Crea Reproductive Medicine, we have over 30 years of experience. We offer various treatments such as in vitro fertilization, ovarian rejuvenation, egg donation, and the ROPA method, among others. For this reason, we perform a diagnostic protocol that is key to helping you.

Our network consists of a team of specialists in obstetrics-gynecology, reproductive biology, embryology, perinatology, anesthesiology, and nursing staff, all trained to care for our patients.

We nurture the dreams of those who yearn to be mothers and fathers. That’s why we provide a trusting environment based on the ethics and professionalism of our team, who offer personal and humane care. Come meet us!


  1. Medline Plus. Assisted Reproductive Technology. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  2. Reproductive Health. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  3. UR-Crea. Web page Treatments. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  4. UR-Crea. Web page Techniques. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  5. Assisted Reproduction ORG. What are the main advantages of in vitro fertilization? [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:

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