Family UR-Crea

Family UR-Crea

Success Stories

Realized Dreams

Success Stories

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For over 30 years, we have been fulfilling the dream of thousands of families to have a baby.

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  • Gabriela Pérez, UR-Crea Family.

    “The experience of all the doctors at UR Crea is undeniable. I encourage you to visit them and follow their guidance. A thousand thanks for their love and dedication to their profession.
    We bless them so they can help more people in their desire to become parents.”

  • José Carlos Márquez, familia UR-Crea.

    “My wife and I spent nearly 10 years without having children. Thanks to UR Crea and its team of professionals, our little Carlos Abdiel came into our lives as a gift for our tenth anniversary.

    This clinic comes highly recommended, with excellent care from magnificent doctors. Thank you Dra. Lourdes for carrying out our treatment.”

  • Nelly Elena González, familia UR-Crea.

    “A hug filled with all my love, admiration, and respect to Dr. Carlos Maquita. Thanks to him, I have my child, and I will never find a way to thank him enough for what he did for me.”

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