Fertility Preservation

Fertility Preservation

Female Fertility

Oocyte Vitrification: Preserving Fertility

Oocyte vitrification is an innovative fertility preservation technique that provides women with the opportunity to plan their motherhood and have children with their own oocytes when they decide to do so.

The vitrification process is simple. After gentle ovarian stimulation with appropriate medication, an ovarian puncture is performed to extract the oocytes, monitoring their development through ultrasounds for approximately 10-12 days. Then, in the laboratory, the quality of the oocytes is evaluated and they are vitrified, stored until the patient decides to use them.

Who can benefit from oocyte vitrification?

  • Women who wish to postpone motherhood for work or personal reasons.
  • Patients undergoing oncological treatments that may affect their ovarian reserve.
  • Women facing ovarian surgeries that may compromise their ovarian tissue, such as in cases of endometriosis.
  • Patients with health issues that may affect their ovarian reserve, such as autoimmune diseases or a history of premature ovarian failure.

How long can oocytes remain frozen?

Frozen oocytes can be kept in that state indefinitely, with no time limit. They retain their quality until the patient decides to use them in an assisted reproduction treatment.

What is the best age for vitrification?

From a medical perspective, the best age for vitrification is before 35 years old. However, even after that age, vitrification remains a viable option, although results may be less optimal due to the effect of aging on ovarian reserve.

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