
Motherhood After 30

Motherhood is changing. Culturally in Mexico, throughout history, women have played an important role in maintaining unity and harmony in the home. Motherhood was, no more than 30 years ago, an objective to achieve or a duty to fulfill within the family unit.¹

In 2024, women have greater determination when deciding to have a baby because the motivations have changed. Now, the decision is not based on societal imposition but on a genuine desire for motherhood.

We want to clarify that it’s not that the desire didn’t exist before, but the pressure was greater, especially when reaching the same age at which our parents had us, or if our sisters or cousins were already married and had children.¹-²

With better access to education and the workforce, women have modified their life plans, where they might decide to delay motherhood until they have achieved a certain level of stability or fulfilled other goals. Therefore, some women choose to have children after the age of 30 or more.

This doesn’t mean that pregnancy at this age is impossible, but there are certain things to consider if you want to start your family project after turning 30.²


Advantages of Motherhood After 30

  • Greater mental maturity. A woman over 30 is more mature; she has clear objectives and goals. She can take on responsibilities thanks to a mindset focused on the tools needed to achieve her goal and the ability to make important decisions.⁵
  • Economic stability. She is in a phase of professional growth, continues to prepare herself, and increasingly takes on more responsibilities. She is capable of paying rent or acquiring a home and even having a savings account that she has built up before having a baby, which now allows her to cover the expenses.
  • Planned/desired motherhood. Thanks to the stable position she has been building, she can feel at ease welcoming her baby without depending on someone else for expenses and perhaps for the care of the new family member.⁶
  • Experienced youth fully. These are women who no longer feel the need to experiment more; now, they desire their own family, whether alone or with a partner. They have had the experiences they sought during their youth, making them feel fulfilled, without seeing having a baby as an obstacle.

If having a baby is one of your goals, don’t hesitate—it’s not too late. Reach out to the experts and allow us to accompany you on this journey.

Let’s talk about the medical information you need to consider if you wish to have a baby after 30.

  • The baby may be born with a genetic abnormality. Unfortunately, it’s a reality that pregnancies after the age of 35 increase the chances of the baby developing a genetic defect, such as Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, or Klinefelter Syndrome.
    UR.Crea offers the possibility of helping you determine the likelihood of genetic complications in your baby through clinical tests, and we can also provide treatment recommendations.³
  • Increased risk of miscarriage. If your pregnancy occurs after the age of 35, there is a risk of chromosomal abnormalities that could result in miscarriage. It is advisable to seek guidance from specialists in reproductive medicine, genetics, and gynecology to ensure the best possible outcome for your pregnancy.
  • You may develop gestational diabetes. After the age of 30, the likelihood of developing gestational diabetes increases, meaning that blood glucose levels rise significantly during pregnancy.³
    This can result in a larger baby and potential health problems. If your doctor diagnoses this type of diabetes, it’s essential to control your blood glucose levels, engage in moderate exercise, and monitor your diet.
  • Your blood pressure may rise, causing hypertension. If, during pregnancy, your blood pressure is high, there is a risk that blood flow to the placenta may decrease, which can slow the baby’s growth and result in a low birth weight or premature birth.⁴
    If your doctor has detected a significant fluctuation in your blood pressure during pregnancy, they will closely monitor your case.
  • Preeclampsia is more likely to develop. Related to the previous point, as blood pressure rises, the organs may be affected, causing symptoms such as vision changes, severe headaches, and upper abdominal pain.
    If you notice these symptoms, it’s important to monitor your blood pressure with your doctor.

That’s why it’s recommended that pregnancies undergo medical follow-up. This way, the lives of both the mother or pregnant person and the baby are safeguarded.

What is UR Crea, and how can we help you if you have infertility issues?

At UR Crea Reproductive Medicine, we have over 30 years of experience. We offer various treatments such as in vitro fertilization, ovarian rejuvenation, egg donation, and the ROPA method, among others. For this reason, we perform a diagnostic protocol that is key to helping you.

Our network consists of a team of specialists in obstetrics-gynecology, reproductive biology, embryology, perinatology, anesthesiology, and nursing staff, all trained to care for our patients.

We nurture the dreams of those who yearn to be mothers and fathers. That’s why we provide a trusting environment based on the ethics and professionalism of our team, who offer personal and humane care. Reach out to us and get to know us!


  1. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  2. UR-Crea. Genetic Studies. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  3. Baptist Health System. Risks of pregnancy after age 30 [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  4. OK Diario. Being a mother after 30 years. Advantages and disadvantages. [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:
  5. Corriente Alterna UNAM. Older motherhood: myths and prejudices about motherhood after 30 [Internet]. Consulted in August 2024. Available at:

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