The Best Time to Procreate: How Does Your Biological Clock Work?

What is the biological clock?

“We are made of time,” that’s why this phrase, which might sound so philosophical, actually refers to an organic reality. It is known as the human biological clock, the periods of time during which our body changes, releasing hormones, developing organs, initiating and concluding cycles and processes specific to certain ages.

There is also a biological clock for sleep, the circadian rhythm, which regulates vital functions such as sleeping, feeling hungry, or even breathing. But let’s go a little further, towards the biological clock of women.

You have heard this concept, which specifically refers to the best time to get pregnant and have children. The time measured by this biological clock marks the most fertile stage of life and, in a countdown, begins to decrease from the age of 35. This means that after this age, each subsequent year, the chances of conceiving decrease drastically. This is due to a decrease in ovarian reserve, which is the quantity of eggs a woman is born with and decreases over time. In Mexico and the rest of Latin America, this first menstruation is known as “menarche,” and it occurs between the ages of 9 and 15.1-2,6

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Current times, new motherhood

While in modern times, due to the countless changes and modifications in all areas that have occurred continuously since the late 20th century, technological advances in the field of medicine and health have increased the life expectancy of most human beings, we are also witnessing an alteration of vital rhythms and times. Therefore, recent times for motherhood have begun to be imposed, in which it is possible to achieve pregnancy at older ages or at the limit of women’s biological clocks, thanks to innovations in the field of assisted reproduction.2

Without time limits… nor social limitations

Now, if we agree that in women fertility begins to decline from the age of 30, it is important to make a distinction between biology and psychology. In many women, the desire for reproduction begins from the age of 35, as they approach their age limit for motherhood.2

That is to say, on the one hand, the body prepares itself and is in optimal physical condition for childbirth, but on the other hand, economics, practical time, and disposition make many women want to postpone their motherhood until they have achieved full financial and emotional stability, to give the best of themselves to their future children. Furthermore, the concept of family has changed diametrically, and the traditional scheme of father, mother, and children has transformed into same-sex couples, or single mothers and fathers.

However, men also have a biological clock.

Traditionally, gender roles have exerted social pressure on women regarding fertility and motherhood due to the biological clock, which forces them to become mothers before “missing the train.”

However, recent research suggests that the biological clock also advances its hands over men, and more rapidly than commonly thought: the risks of chromosomal abnormalities in sperm begin at 35 years old and are significant from the age of 45.4

This is evident from the data provided by the study led by Stanford University, which showed that babies born to “advanced age” parents (that is, over 35 years old) were born with low birth weight, seizures, and immediate respiratory assistance.

Furthermore, the figures are not encouraging for men aged 45 or older, who have a 14% chance of having a premature child; while those aged 50 or older have a 28% propensity for their children to require prenatal intensive care.

The biological clock not only indicates probabilities and quality but also marks diseases.

It is also true that some pathologies may compromise fertility at an older age, such as endometriosis, which is more commonly diagnosed in women between the ages of 30 and 40.

Although endometriosis is a benign chronic disease that affects only 15% of women of reproductive age, it can develop endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, especially in the pelvic cavity or ovaries, and produce a type of cysts called endometriomas. These cysts can even appear in the fallopian tubes or intestines, resulting in affected women having difficulty getting pregnant.3-5

How can the biological clock be delayed/controlled to become a mother at an extra time?

Since the stage of greatest fertility is from 18 to 30 years old in women, there is no way to reverse or extend this process naturally. Therefore, it will be important to become aware that one way to “beat” the biological clock is to act in a timely manner and take advantage of the optimal state of ovarian reserve, as it is not the same at different ages.

Perhaps because women do not always receive this information from their gynecologists, the advances and advantages of fertility clinics are not properly utilized. Therefore, if a woman wishes to become a mother between the ages of 30 and 35, it is important to inform her in a timely manner about fertility preservation, as her eggs can be frozen (egg freezing)for later use when she is fully ready and prepared to become a mother or start a family.  Furthermore, the sperm of her partner can also be preserved for when both agree.1

The issue of in vitro fertilization, which has existed for over 40 years, is still not well known to many women. It consists of the union of an egg and sperm outside the body, in a laboratory. Similarly, embryo vitrification is available, which is the union of eggs with sperm previously frozen; but that will be the subject of another article, so we invite you to stay tuned to our blog. Finally, we remind you that time keeps ticking, and if you still don’t have plans, we have one that might interest you. Believe in UR Crea and start planning the future of your next child; we will take care of everything necessary for their arrival.

What is UR Crea and how can it help you if you have fertility problems?

UR Crea Reproductive Medicine has 30 years of experience in reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction services. We offer several types of treatments tailored to your needs, which is why we conduct a diagnostic protocol, which is the key to helping you.

Our network is made up of a team of specialized doctors in gynecology-obstetrics, reproductive biology, embryologists, perinatologists, anesthesiologists, and nursing staff; all trained in the care of their patients.

We germinate the dreams of those who long to be parents. Therefore, we provide an environment of trust, based on the ethics and professionalism of our team, who provide a personalized and human approach. Get closer and meet us!


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